Dermaplaning is a wonderful procedure that may be used as a stand-alone service, or can be combined with AHA peels for enhanced results. With next to no downtime, Dermaplaning will effectively deliver results by controlling breakouts, minimize acne scaring, and offer the smoothest skin imaginable.
Quannessence Dermaplaning incorporates Quannessence Skincare products to increase the effectiveness of the service, along with an enhanced experience for exceptional results.
Dermaplaning is a must have tool for every aesthetician to offer as one of their services. In turn, this is a treatment that will be sure to impress your clients and have them keep coming back for more!
What is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is a safe and effective form of exfoliation which immediately removes 2-3 weeks of dead skin cells from the epidermis. This procedure encourages monthly cell turnover and skin regeneration.
Removing epidermal skin and surface debris allows skincare products to penetrate more readily into the deeper layers. This process can prepare the skin for laser or AHA peels and is often used on clients with rough dry skin, superficial hyperpigmentation, mild acne scaring, or fine lines and wrinkles.
The treatment results in a more refined, smooth, glowing appearance.
Before Treatment
After Treatment